Odisha’s Nightmare Goes Up as COVID-19 Positive cases reaches at 15,392, Death toll touches 79


By Our Correspondent

BHUBANESWAR: Despite several steps taken by the Naveen Patnaik led Government here in Odisha, COVID-19 continued to give sleepless nights to the State Government with positive cases were on Thursday reaching at 15,392 and death toll touched at 79.

Of the total 15,392 positive cases, Naveen Patnaik’s home turf Ganjam alone reported 4,867 positive cases, out which 2,971 have been cured so far while 1,845 are active cases now with 48 deaths(3 for other reasons).

After Ganjam, Khorda, which houses State Capital of Bhubaneswar, reported second highest positive cases with tally at 1594 of which 1000 have been cured while active cases reported at 575 with 13 death(6 for other reasons).

Out of the total 15,392, cured cases reported at 10,476 followed by active at 4813 and death toll at 79.On Thursday’s fresh cases have been detected from 23 districts. Out of 494 new cases, 322 have been reported from quarantine centres and 172 are local contacts. Ganjam district once again registered the highest number of 246 new COVID positive cases followed by Khordha district with 64 cases and Cuttack district with 38 cases.


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