BJP Leader Krushna Panda conducts Puja for speedy recovery of Amit Shah-Dharmendra Pradhan in Kendrapara’s Aul


By Our Correspondent

AUL/RAJKANIKA/BHUBANESWAR: BJP Leader Krushna Chandra Panda and his wife have conducted a Puja wishing speedy recovery of Union Home Minister Amit Shah and Union PNG-Steel Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, who were undergoing treatment in New Delhi following reports of COVID-19.Both Union Minister undergoing treatment and conditions stated to be normal.

BJP leader Panda and his wife performed the Puja at Aul under Aul Assembly segment of Odisha’s Kendrapara district. “As both of our senior Party leader and Ministers in Union Government Amit Shah Ji and Dharmendra Pradhan ji undergoing treatment , I along with my wife performed a Puja and prayed to Lord Jagannath, Lord Barahjew and Lord Balabhadra to cure them soon,” BJP Leader Krushna Panda said. The BJP leader Panda, has been very active and moving villages to villages to serve the people during COVID-19 crisis.

Union Minister Pradhan, 51, had developed COVID-like symptoms on last Monday and was tested on Tuesday. Pradhan had last week met home minister Amit Shah, who was admitted to Medanta on Sunday after testing positive of coronavirus. Shah and Pradhan were of the several high-profile names to have tested positive.


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