Rs 3568.51 Crore Spent in Paradip Port to increase Cargo Handling Capacity in last 5 Years

Paradip Port in Odisha

By Our Correspondent

BHUBANESWAR/NEW DELHI: Rs 3568.51 Crore Spent in Paradip Port in Odisha to increase cargo handling capacity in last 5 years, said Union Minister for Ports Shipping and Waterways Shri Sarbananda Sonowal in a written reply to the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday.

Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port Kolkata received Rs 1113.62 crore , Visakhapatnam Port got Rs 1759.56 crore during last 5 years. Jawaharlal Nehru Port got Rs 2846.45 crore, he added.

There has been an increase in the cargo handling capacity of Major Ports from 1560.61 MTPA in 2020-21 to 1597.59 MTPA in 2021-22. The capacity at Non-Major Ports remains the same in the last two years, i.e. 1002.24 MTPA, which is adequate to handle the movement of cargo, given that the capacity utilisation was 59.73% in 2021-22.

Infrastructure development and capacity augmentation of Major Ports is a continuous process. It involves construction of new berths and terminals, mechanization of existing berths and terminals, capital dredging for deepening of drafts for attracting larger vessels, development of road and rail connectivity etc. A number of projects have been awarded in the last five years on upgradation and capacity enhancement of the Major Ports., he said.

The power for establishment of new Major Ports and administrative control of Major Ports vests with the Central Government. Establishment & administrative control of Non Major Ports are within the purview of respective State Governments. As per the provisions of the Major Port Authorities, Act, 2021, the Boards of the respective Major Ports are authorized to make rules or regulations to develop and provide infrastructure facilities and such other infrastructure in the interest of the Major Port. Keeping in view the future requirements, Major Ports are developing some berths, terminals, oil jetties, etc. to enhance their capacity and operational efficiency.

The Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways has identified 81 Public Private Partnership (PPP) Projects (value Rs. 42,300 Crore) till financial year 2024-25 for developing major ports’ berths, terminals, oil jetties, etc. As on March-2022, the capacity of Major Ports of India is 1598 MTPA, whereas the Major Ports have handled 720 MT traffic during the financial year 2021-22.


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