By Biswanath Dash
BHUBANESWAR: Khordha Model P.S. Case No. 565, Dtd. 07.09.2023 U/s – 21(b)/29 NDPS Act..Informant :- Sukanta Dalai (34), S/o- Nakula Dalai of vill- Shyamasundarpur, PS- Kanpur,Dist-Cuttack, A/P- SI of Police, Model PS, KhordhaPlace of occurrence – House of accd. Sribaschha Paramaguru (47), S/o- Lt. BaikunthanathParamaguru at Jemadeipur, Barunei Nagar under Model police station, Khordha.
Detection date and time :- On 07.09.2023 at 12.00 P.M
Gist of FIR-.
On 07.09.2023 at 10.30 AM on receipt of credible information as per the directionof Shri Sidhartha Kataria IPS, SP Khordha under the supervision of Sri Dillip Kumar Das(OPS), SDPO Khurda and Tarique Ahemada, IIC, Model P,s, Khordha formed a team headedby SI S.Dalai along with Abhiram Samantaray, C/244 A.M Kham, C/208 N. Nayak and C/476Kananbala Das proceeded to the alleged location and could able to nab the suspected personnamely Sribaschha Paramaguru (47), S/o- Lt. Baikunthanath Paramaguru of Jemadeipur,Barunei Nagar, P.s- Model, Dist.- Khordha and seized 15 grams of brown sugar form hispossession.
Seizure :-
15.00 grams of contraband brown sugar The total worth of Brown Sugar is150000/-( One lakh fifty thousand).
Details of accd. person- Sribaschha Paramaguru (47), S/o- Lt. Baikunthanath Paramaguruof Jemadeipur, Barunei Nagar, P.s- Model, Dist.- KhordhaRaiding Team- SI Sukanta Dalai along with Abhiram Samantaray, C/244 A.M Kham, C/208N. Nayak and C/476 Kananbala DasName of the I.O.:- Tareque Ahemad, IIC, Model Police Station, Khordha