ULIP to Add Value to Coal Logistics for making Informed Decisions


By Our Correspondent

NEW DELHI: Shri Amrit Lal Meena, Secretary, Ministry of Coal chaired a meeting on the integration of Unified Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP) with the digital systems of the Ministry of Coal here Friday. The meeting was also attended by senior officials of the Ministry , Chairman, Coal India Limited, senior officials of SCCL, NLCIL and MCL. A detailed presentation on the ULIP portal was given by NICDC team.

ULIP has emerged as a digital gateway for the logistics ecosystem to access data available with various Govt. systems for track/trace, authentication, document digitization, process automation as well as discovery services. At present 33 systems from seven ministries are integrated through 106 APIs covering more than 1600 data fields for usage by the stakeholders.

Speaking during the meeting, Secretary, Coal stated “ULIP will add value to coal logistics by increasing visibility and transparency across coal movement and will help in taking informed decisions. We will identify the digital initiatives which can be taken up under ULIP and prepare a roadmap for its implementation”.

ULIP has a dedicated portal that makes the process of data request simpler, faster, and transparent. The portal can be accessed through “https://goulip.in/”. Within seven months of its launch in September 2022 by the Prime Minister, ULIP portal- Goulip.in has received registration from over 490 industry players with the willingness to access data through ULIP, out of which 76 private players have already signed NDA, taking the benefits of ULIP. Over 30 applications by these private players have already been developed and are utilising the data through ULIP.

Secretary, Coal directed the coal companies to identify the problems/pain points which they are currently facing and try to workout a solution through ULIP integration. He further urged the ULIP team to visit the coal mines for better understanding.


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