By Our Correspondent
BHUBANESWAR: Tamil Nadu’s Salem born mining contractor, B Prabhakaran, his wife, Kiruthika Prabhakaran, and their Company, Thriveni Earth Movers Pvt Ltd, who were hit headlines week back following reports of their land purchased issue relating to 17 acres of land in prime locations under Bhubaneswar Tahasil in Odisha, once again in news for the same issue but this time 150 acres of land.
And now more starling revelations come to fore after BJP Bhubaneswar MP Aparajita Sarangi, narrated about a massive land scam is taking place near Bhubaneswar under the patronage of an influential bureaucrat in the Chief Minister’s office.
MP Sarangi said that she has written a letter to Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik underlining the need for a thorough investigation into the racket.
Sarangi alleged that huge patches land more than 150 acres under Bhagabatipur and Giringaput Mouza which are close to Chandaka and coming under Jatni Assembly seat in Khorda, has been mysteriously grabbed by B Prabhakaran, his wife, Kiruthika Prabhakaran, and their Company, Thriveni Earth Movers Pvt Ltd. In this area, there are five types of lands. These lands have been acquired by an influential woman Kiruthika Pravakaran and her Triveni company.”
MP Sarangi said, near about 150 acres have been covered with barbed wire fencing, Sarangi said the area covers large parcels of government land which have been encroached, land of poor and helpless villagers who have not sold their parcels, yet don’t have access to their land as it has been fenced.
Land belonging to Dhabaleshwar Deu Bije and other deities are also within the encroached area, she said, adding the fencing has been done in a manner to prevent the landholders from entering their area and eventually to force them to sell it off to Tamil Nadu’s Kiruthika Prabhakaran.
The most worrying fact is that an existing canal providing water to farm lands has been damaged in a systematic way, she claimed, adding that this damage to the canal system has been done deliberately to prevent the farmers from cultivating their land and thus force them to sell off their land parcel.
There are all indications and evidence of construction of a huge farm house in this enclosed parcel of land, Sarangi said, adding that land mafias are in operation who have deployed bouncers to threaten local villagers and keep them quiet.
Following the allegation made by the BJP MP, Manas Mohapatra, lawyer of Kritika Prabhakaran, told media that a legal notice will be served on Aparajita Sarangi. All land purchases by his client have been done in tune with law, he said.
In her letter to the Chief Minister, the bureaucrat-turned-politician said, “As all of us know, people of Odisha are now strongly doubt that relevant information is even reaching you. However, the people of Bhagabatipur and Giringaput seek a few answers from the government of Odisha.”
In her letter, she further wished to know if the Chief Minister would pay a visit to the two villages, take strong action against the encroachers of the government and private lands and institute an enquiry to find out why poor farmers are constrained to sell their land.
MP Sarangi also held a power point presentation to justify her allegations and shown the map location of land grabbed by these above mentioned people and company.
Thriveni Earth Movers Pvt Ltd and its MD B Prabhakaran was a key player in Odisha Mining scam and even Justice MB Shah Commission had reported about it and had penalised the firm.