Tamando P.S Case No 206-207, four -Members Criminal Gang arrested, huge Arms sized

Sanjaya Khuntia aka Bapuni (34) S/O- Lt Bijaya Khuntia of Sarakantara, PS- Khandagiri, BBSR, Khorda. Shiva Kumar Nali (47), S/O - Chakradhara Nali, Sialia Patana, P.S- Khurda Sadar, Dist-Khurda. Bata Krishna Pani aka Bata Pani (50), S/O - Rajkishora Pani, At - Kushapalla, P.S - Begunia, Dist- Khurda. Prakash Routaray (44), S/O - Lt Pramod Ku Routaray, At - Durgapur, P.S - Khurda Sadar, Dist- Khurda.

By Biswanath Dash

BHUBANESWAR:   Tamando P.S Case No 206, Dt.7.8.2023, U/S 341/332/353/294/506 IPC rw 25(1- 4/25 (1-AA)/25 (1-8)/27 Arms Act & Tamando PS Case No 207, Dt.7.8.2023, U/S 341/332/353/307/294/506/34 IPC rw 25 (1-A)/25 (1-AA)/25(1-B)/27/35 Arms Act.


On Dt 6.8.2023 at about 11.00 P.M receiving a piece of reliable information from a credible Source, Tamando police swiftly acted upon the information and arrested a gang from Kalinga Bihar area with seizure of semi-automatic and automatic firearms and live ammunitions.

 This group is very active in Khurda area and involved in running of illegal laterite, black granite stone quarry and sand quarries. They are facilitating and escorting transportation of illegally excavated sand and stone from quarries to reach at different destinations. They keep prohibited automatic and semi automatic unlicensed firearms with them illegally and remain ready to meet any untoward incident on the road so also inside the quarries. They use weapons to scare their opponents and also take revenge upon them.

Persons arrested:

Sanjaya Khuntia aka Bapuni (34) S/O- Lt Bijaya Khuntia of Sarakantara, PS- Khandagiri, BBSR, Khorda. Shiva Kumar Nali (47), S/O – Chakradhara Nali, Sialia Patana, P.S- Khurda Sadar, Dist-Khurda. Bata Krishna Pani aka Bata Pani (50), S/O – Rajkishora Pani, At – Kushapalla, P.S – Begunia, Dist- Khurda. Prakash Routaray (44), S/O – Lt Pramod Ku Routaray, At – Durgapur, P.S – Khurda Sadar, Dist- Khurda.

Articles Seized:

One 9mm automatic Carbine (Prohibited Arms).

Two numbers of magazines of the Carbine.

12 numbers of 9mm live ammunitions.

02 numbers of 7.65 mm semi-automatic pistols.

02 numbers of 7.65 mm magazines of the pistols.

08 numbers of 7.65mm live ammunitions.

07 numbers of mobile phones.

Red colour WagonR car, bearing Regd. No.OD-02-F-3509.

One white colour CRETA car, bearing Regd. No-OD-33-R-4774.

One Silver Colour SWIFT bearing regd. No OD-34-D-4955.

  Previous involvement of the gang members:

Accused Sanjaya Khuntia @ Bapuni was involved in a gruesome sensational high profile murder case of Dhauli P.S in which he and his associates murdered one Krutibasha Parija @ Sonu. They were so desperate that they chopped the body of the victim into pieces and packed in polyethene. Threw those packets in river Daya to disappear evidence. He and his associates are facing trial in this case. He is a diehard criminal and close associate of Chagala Mallick from whom he procured the carbine. He is involved in following cases.

Dhauli P.S Case No 24/2014, U/S 302/201/34 IPC.

Khandagiri PS Case No- 44/2020 dtd 16.1.2020 U/S-294/341/506/34 IPC & R W25/27 Arms ACT.

Khandagiri PS Case No- 89/2018 dtd 3.8.2018 U/S-341/323/325/294/307/34 IPC 4. Khandagiri PS Case No- 82/2010 dtd 8.3.2010 U/S-160 IPC.

 Accused Bata Krishna Pani @Bata Pani is a notorious one and involved in many cattle transport cases. He is the kingpin of a gang who armed with firearms and lethal weapons escort the cattle loaded trucks and facilitate those for cross border transportation. He is also involved in arms act cases and attempt to murder cases.

Begunia P.S Case No 85/2017, U/S 458/294/323/354 (B)/427/379/307/506 IPC/25/27 Arms Act.

Model P.S Khurda Case No 176/2020U/S 341/323/294/506 IPC.

Tamando P.S Case No 207/2022U/S341/294/506/323/394 IPC/25/27 Arms Act.

 Accused Prakash Routaray of Khurda is previously involved in many cases of Khurda District, STF mining cases and now on court bail. He is involved in the following cases.

Khorda Sadar PS Case No-219/2022 U/S-379/411/120 (B) IPC/51 OMMC Act/12 OMTS Act/3 & 4 ES Act.

Khorda Sadar PS Case No-84/2021 U/S- 341/294/323/506/342/34 IPC & 25Arms Act.

Khorda Sadar PS Case No-118/2018 U/S-304/34 IPC / 68 OMMC Rules.

Khorda Sadar PS Case No-95/2010 U/S-294/307/323/341/506/34 IPC.

STF Ps Case No-13/2019.

Begunia PS Case No- 218/2016 U/S- 379/34 IPC.

Begunia PS Case No- 164/2018 U/S- 147/148/341/323/294/324/506/427/149 IPC /25/27 Arms Act/9 (B) I E Act.

 Accused Shiva Nali is very close to Sanjaya Khuntia and supports him in running all types of illegal activity at Khurda and in Bhubaneswar.


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