Saheednagar PS Case No-135, Saheednagar PS Case No-136, two fake DSP arrested


By Our Correspondent

BHUBANESWAR:   Saheednagar PS Case No-135 dt. 24.03.2025 U/s 318(4)/319(2)/ 336(3)/336(4)/340(2)/132/296/351(2)/3(5) BNS

  1. Seized Articles:
  2. One name plate board written as Odisha Police,
  3. One ASI/SI cap,
  4. One Police identity card,
  5. Five nos. of Passport size photos of Manas Ranjan Senapati in Police uniform,
  6. One appointment letter issued to Manas Ranjan Senapati as OPS being issued by IG Personnel,
  7. Two Nos. of Police admit card,
  8. One pair police uniform along with Police Belt
  9. One Car bearing Regd No OD-33-Z-4988
  10. 386 Nos of fake Indian Currency Note of Denomination of rupees 500.

Total Rs 1,93,000/-

3.Name and address of the accd. persons:

(1)Manas Ranjasn Senapati (26), S/O- Rangadhar Senapati, At/PS- Naikandihi, Dist-Bhadrak., At/P- Plot No- 1628, Madhusudan Nagar, PS- Saheed Naga.

(2)Ashis Swain (23), S/O- Debaprasad Swain, At-Aaisha, PS-Pipili, Dist-Puri, A/Pr-Madhusudan nagar, Unit 4, PS-Kharavela Nagar, Dist-Khurdha.

4.GIST’-: On 24.03.2025 during night patrolling / blocking  SI J R Mohanty along with staff stopped a car bearing Regd No OD-33-Z-4988 and being asked the driver disclosed himself as Manas Ranjan Senapati and serving as a probationer Odisha Police Service, Deputy Superintendent of Police. The other person disclosed his identity as Ashis Swain and serving as a probationer constable. Further marked that there was a cap of SI/ASI and one board written as Odisha Police were placed on the dashboard of the car. On suspicion checked the car and found the above noted seized articles which are seems to be forged. The accused persons Manas Ranjan Senapati and Ashis Swain used Police uniform, forged identity card as genuine and photos in police uniform and presenting themselves as police personnel for the purpose of cheating, are liable U/S-318(4)/319(2)/ 336(3)/336(4)/340(2)/132/296/351(2)/3(5) BNS.

5.I. C/A of Accused Manas Ranjan Senapati-:

1.Ranapur PS Case No 09 dt.11.01.2022 U/s 417/419/420/170/411/120(B)/34 IPC.

  1. C/A of Ashis swain- NIL.

1.Case Reference-: Saheednagar PS Case No-136 dt. 24.03.2025 U/s 178/179 BNS

  1. Seized Articles:
  2. 386 Nos of fake Indian Currency Note of Denomination of rupees 500.

Total Rs 1,93,000/-

  1. Name and address of the accd. persons:
  2. Manas Ranjasn Senapati (26), S/O- Rangadhar Senapati, At/PS- Naikandihi, Dist-Bhadrak., At/P- Plot No- 1628, Madhusudan Nagar, PS- Saheed Nagar, Dist-Khurdha.
  3. Ashis Swain (23), S/O- Debaprasad Swain, At-Aaisha, PS-Pipili, Dist-Puri, A/Pr-Madhusudan nagar, Unit 4, PS-Kharavela Nagar, Dist-Khurdha.

4.GIST’-: On 24.03.2025, during course of investigation of Saheednagar PS Case No 135/2025 U/s 318(4)/319(2)/ 336(3)/336(4)/340(2)/ 132/296/351(2)/3(5) BNS, the IO seized 386 Nos of fake Indian Currency Note of Denomination of rupees 500.(Total Rs 1,93,000/-) from the house of accused Manas Ranjan Senapati..

5.C/A of Accused Manas Ranjan Senapati-:

I.Saheednagar PS Case No-135 dt. 24.03.2025 U/s 318(4)/319(2)/ 336(3)/336(4)/340(2)/132/296/351(2)/3(5) BNS

II.Ranapur PS Case No 09 dt.11.01.2022 U/s 417/419/420/170/411/120(B)/34 IPC.





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