By Our Correspondent
BHUBANESWAR: As the severe impact of climate change is being felt globally, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan Deemed to be University (SOA) and India Meterological Department (IMD) on Saturday agreed to collaborate in the field of meteorology and climate modeling for use in climate smart agriculture.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in this regard was signed between SOA and IMD here which aimed to address issues related to climate resilient farming and its application to aid marginal farmers.
Dr. Mrutyunjay Mohapatra, Director General of IMD and Prof. Pradipta Kumar Nanda, Vice-Chancellor of SOA, signed the MoU. Dr. Mohapatra also called on SOA Founder President Prof. (Dr.) Manojranjan Nayak and had exchange of views.
SOA, which runs the Institute of Agricultural Sciences (IAS) and has set up the Centre for Climate Smart Agriculture (CCSA) a year ago, and IMD will exchange various data, expertise and advanced technologies to plan and execute pertinent joint research, capacity building, adaption strategies and field studies to address issues related to climate resilient farming and its application in the field for marginal farmers.
The two organizations will also undertake case studies, conduct research and bring out joint publications and reports besides organizing round table meetings, seminars and conferences on emerging issues in the area of climate science and its applications for the society.
Besides, IMD and SOA will jointly explore use of emerging instruments such as geospatial technologies in the areas of climate science for impact based prediction to be used by various stakeholders of Odisha. SOA also runs the Centre for Environment and Climate (CEC).
As per the terms of reference of the MoU, the IMD will make available observational and analyzed data and operational weather and climate forecast products for undertaking research and development work by SOA faculty and students on application of the same in various sectors including the farming sector.
Besides, approved IMD scientists may participate in joint research and development projects including evaluation and validation process of SOA tools and products. Involved IMD scientists will provide the research supervision to selected M.Sc., M.Tech and Ph.D. students and co-author joint publications and reports.
IMD will also facilitate mutually agreed Ph.D. research in climate science and its applications related work and provide field and laboratory facilities on request. Besides, IMD will provide laboratory access and other facilities depending upon availability to students, researchers and faculty of SOA and vice versa.
Prof. R.K.Panda, Head of CCSA, Prof. U.C.Mohanty, Distinguished Professor at CCSA, Prof. Bijay Kumar Sahu, Advisor, IAS, Prof. R.K. Rout, Dean, IAS, Dr. Dr. Dinabandhu Jena and Prof. Jagmohan Lal Gulati, Professors of IAS, were present during the signing of the MoU.
Dr. Mohapatra said the MoU with SOA would facilitate joint collaboration in research and the exchange would help in growth of human resource and technology. IMD, he said, had a lot of data which was freely provided to institutes for research purpose.
IMD had digital data since 1901, satellite data since 1983 and doppler data since 1999, he said.
Referring to the 1999 super cyclone that devastated coastal Odisha killing 10,000 people, Dr. Mohapatra said it served as an eye opener as proper application of developing science could not be done. “But since then much intervention has happened and now the objective is zero casualty,” he said.
The recent cyclone ‘Biparjoy’ which hit the Gujarat coast resulted in no death while cyclone ‘Phailin’ had killed 22 people in Odisha in 2013, he said adding collaboration and research and development had made it possible.