By Our Correspondent
BHUBANESWAR: These 18 coal blocks included Badibahal, Kudanali Lubri, Machhakata (Revised), Mahan, Mara II Mahan, Meenakshi West, North Dhadu (Eastern Part), North Dhadu (Western Part), Pathora East, Pathora West, Phatehpur South, Sakhigopal B Kakurhi, Sherband, Tandsi III and Tandsi III Extn, Tara, Thesgora-B/ Rudrapuri, West of Baisi (Revised) and Sattupalli Block III.
These 22 Companies which submitted bids included Jindal Steel and Power (3 bids) and its subsidiary , Nalwa Steel and Power Limited( 1 bid), having total of 4 bids, followed by NLC India Limited(3), Shri Bajrang Power and Ispat Limited(3), Bull Mining Pvt Ltd(3), Gujarat Mineral and Development Corporation(3), NTPC Mining Ltd(2), Hindalco Industries Limited(2), Sunflag Iron and Steel Ltd(2).
While companies like Agrasen Sponge Pvt Limited, Gangaramchak Mining Private Limited, Mahan Energen Limited, Nilkanth Coal Mining Pvt Ltd, Nuvoco Vistas Corp Ltd., Odisha Coal and Power Limited, Paras Power and Coal Benefication Limited, Raigarh Natural Resources Pvt Ltd, Shanti GD Ispat and Power Pvt Ltd, Special Blasts Limited, Srivan Khanij Private Limited, TANGEDCO and Sri Avantika Contractors I Pvt Ltd have submitted 1 each bid.
The auction process of 103 coal/lignite mines for sale of coal was launched by the Nominated Authority, Ministry of Coal on March 29,2023. The last date for submission of Technical Bids for all the coal mines was June 27, 2023. As part of the auction process, Technical Bids comprising of online and offline bid documents were opened here today (June 28, 2023). The online bids were decrypted and opened electronically in the presence of the bidders. Subsequently, sealed envelopes containing offline bid documents were also opened in the presence of bidders. Entire process was displayed on screen for the bidders.
A total of 35 bids (both online and offline) were received under two tranches (7th tranche and 2nd attempt of 6th tranche) of commercial coal mine auctions. Under Seventh tranche of auctions, a total of 34 bids both online and offline were received against 17 coal mines and two bids were received only online but not offline. Two or more bids have been received for seven coal mines i.e. 24 bids (Both online and offline) against 7 coal mines and 10 coal mines have received single bids (Both online and offline). Of these 17 coal mines, nine are partially explored whereas the remaining mines are fully explored. The cumulative peak rated capacity ( PRC) of the fully explored coal mines is 47.80 million tonne per annum (MTPA). 16 coal mines are non-coking coal mines whereas one mine is coking coal mine.
Under 2nd Attempt of Sixth tranche, a total of 5 coal mines were put up for auctions and one bid has been received against 1 coal mine which is a fully explored non-coking coal mine. The PRC of the coal mine is 4 MTPA. A total of five public sector companies submitted the bids in the ongoing round of commercial coal mines’ auction as well