Vigilance Named Its Academy Auditorium after Former Director Late Debasis Panigrahi


    By Biswanath Dash

    BHUBANESWAR: Odisha Vigilance conducted a day-long State annual CVOs Conference at State Vigilance Academy here in city on Monday. As many as 33numbers of CVOs of various Government Departments participated in person while 47 CVOs of various Heads of Department and Public Sector undertakings joined through virtual mode.

    The conference was inaugurated by Suresh Chandra Mahapatra, Chief Secretary asChief Guest, DGP Abhay graced the inaugural function as Guest of Honour.

    On this occasion, the Auditorium of State Vigilance Academy was dedicated in the name of Late Dr.DebasisPanigrahi, Ex-Director,Vigilance who was the founder of the Academy, which completed its 3rd year on 28.11.2021.

    Shri YeshwantKumarJethwa,Director Vigilance,presented the welcome address. Addressing the CVOs conference the Chief Secretary mentioned that the CVOs are the eyes and ears of Vigilance Directorate and should work in close co-ordination.He emphasized the role of CVOs in preventive vigilance.

    D.G.P,Odisha whiler recalling the fond memories of Late Dr.Panigrahi also shared valuable suggestions to theCVOsforeffectiveworkingofCVOmechanisminOdisha.TheconferenceincludedkeynoteaddressdeliveredbyShriGopalChandraNanda, Former DGP,who discussed at length on the structure and functions of CVO System in Odisha.

    ThiswasfollowedbyapresentationonroleofCVOsinpromoting“WhistleBlowingCulture”byShriSomanathHansdah,CVO,NALCO,BhubaneswarandapresentationbyDr.Prof.PravasRanjanSahu,DeanAcademyandCVO,IITBhubaneswaronthe“Useoftechnologyfor combatingcorruption”.Threadbarediscussionswereheldonpreventivevigilancetoenhancetransparencyand Better governance as part of the5T Charter of the Government.

    Also use of MoSarkar feedbackandintelligencesharingonpersonsofdoubtfulintegrityaswellasenhancingthe synergy between Odisha Vigilance and all other Government Departments,was discussed. Odisha Vigilance has been taking systematic&sincere steps against corruption and the conference aims to further enhance the anti-corruption measures in the State.


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