TBS ATHLOS -2023 concluded at the BIPF School in Cuttack


By Our Correspondent

CUTTACK/BHUBANESWAR:  “Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it. Autograph your work with excellence.”If there is one field of life which teaches us the most valuable lessons about perseverance,patience in fact what constitutes a perfect character, it is sports.

Thus, on the 13th of January, 2023, The BIPF School, Cuttack organized the 2nd Annual Athletic Meet, TBS ATHLOS 2023 , for the year 2022-23. After a hiatus of two years due to thelingering fear of the COVID-19 pandemic, the school organized one of its most signature events.

The Annual Athletic Meet embodies the zeal, talents and spirit of sportsmanship of the studentsof The BIPF School, Cuttack encouraging them to be persistent and to refine their talents,achieving the greatest of the heights.

The most anticipated event of the year commenced with the arrival of the highly distinguished chief guest of the opening ceremony Mr. Ashoke  Behera, Vice President of IMFA and former Vice President in Ortel Communications Limited and currently serving as a VP in BIPF.

The sports day started at 8:00a.m. with a memorable and colourful ceremony. The programmebegan with headmistress Ms. Namashree Pati, welcoming the esteemed chief guest, invited guest, gathering and emphasised on the importance of sports in one’s life. The sports day inaugural ceremony started with lighting the ceremonial sports torch by the chief guest and held by the Head Boy, Master Alvis Bihari for united marching around the sports field along with four house captains. Finally the flame of peace and harmony kept within the sports field.

The chief guest, Mr Behera, took the salute of the impressive March Past by the students of all 4 houses, which was followed by oath-taking ceremony. Sports oath swearing was done by our Head girl Ankita Das. Annual sports meet was declared open by honourable chief Guest Mr.  Behera .

The sports track events were started which include 100M, 200M, Relay, Lemon spoon, Kangaroo race followed by field events Shot-put long jump, as per the sports schedule. All sports were played and enjoyed by both students and audience.

A number of students performed very well and won multiple prizes. A total of 80 prizes were distributed by our honorable Chief guest of the closing ceremony Ms. Rituparna Panda, the world rank 17 in mixed doubles 34 in women’s Doubles in the BWF world Junior Ranking and guest of honour Ms. Swetaparna Panda the emerging young badminton player from the state ofOdisha, Mr. G Sarada Prasad Rao, DGM-HR Administration with gifts like sports medals and certificates.

The games organized for the parents saw an impressive participation. At the end of the day, students departed with a clear smile on their faces as the Yellow House emerged as House Champions. It was a day filled with sportsmanship, enthusiasm and memories to cherish. The Academic in charge of this esteemed institution, Ms Pushpita Mohanta thanked all the teachers for their cooperation and support and advised children to keep up their sportsman spirit.


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