Spiritual Academy comes to the rescue of Poor-Downtrodden during COVID-19 in Odisha


By Our Correspondent

BHUBANESWAR: The Swami Dibyananda, founded, Spiritual Academy has come to the service of poor and downtrodden of Odisha in the view of the COVID-19 outbreak and lockdown. The Spiritual Academy has been working since past several weeks to reach out the needy.

In a statement it said on Monday, there are sections of people who were making the lives of majority of us in our city smooth. Our households can’t remain as households without them. Getting lunch or dinner will be difficult without them. Till yesterday, they were making each household of  Bhubaneswar comfortable. They were making us live cosily in our houses. They were making us do what we wanted to do. Covid-19 crisis has forced us to live without them. We know that after Covid-19 is overreach of us will again start thinking that life is impossible without them.

They are the ill organised community of house helps, house maids and all those by whatever term we address these poor beings who by their toil make us feel that we are worthy citizens of this capital city.We needed them till yesterday. We could not live without them till yesterday. We will need them again tomorrow. We can’t live without them tomorrow. But none of us are with them today when they need somebody to feed them at least and meet their bare necessities.

Many people and many organizations are performing magnificent roles in different spheres to contribute to different needs of the people during this time of need. A critical void was left here which needed attention. A benevolent organization ‘Bhubaneswar Round Table-53’ noticed this. Good Soul.

Members of this organization took this need to the attention of Swami Dibyananda, the founder of Spiritual Academy which has been at the forefront of helping destitute people and children stranded inland around Bhubaneswar since this pandemic hit the city by providing them with food since last three weeks.

Good Soul Members of Bhubaneswar Round Table 53 and Spiritual Academy joined hands quickly and organized ‘Food for You’ camps at the doorsteps of these helpless house helps and their families inside their slums.Smiles came on the lips of hundreds of hungry, helpless young children, women and old men seeing their favourite hot rice, dalma in abundance to their full satisfaction. Nothing was more satisfying than this for the members of Bhubaneswar Round Table 53 and Spiritual Academy.

Moments were initially quite emotional when helpless mothers saw their hungry children devouring healthy, hygienic food from the hands of respected citizens of Bhubaneswar, when helpless husbands kept watching their hungry lactating wives enjoying the food and when helpless young people kept watching their old parents happily enjoying their lunch.

These Food for You camps not only serve healthy, hygienic food on time but also sensitises people inthese Food for You camps to follow social distancing norms, hand washing norms before they are servedfood. The food camps serve as good lifestyle training camps for these slum dwellers who keep helping the rich and middle class of the city by making their lives cosy. Spiritual Academy through our reporter thanked all the individuals and organizations for their kindnessin these tough times for coming forward to help the less fortunate sections of the society and to help the people who have no options left.

Spiritual Academy looks forward to kind support from all to carry out its work. Hundreds of helpless people are not going hungry during this crisis. Thanks to the philanthropy and compassionate spirits demonstrated by a large section of our society. Such spirit and such thinking will definitely overcome the darkness of this crisis, it added.


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