Special Court (PMLA), District and Sessions Court Complex at Khurda framed charges against individuals and entities involved in multi-State Rose Valley Chit Fund Scam, ED attached moveable properties worth Rs. 332 Crore (present value of more than 400 Crore, including interest) in 2014 and 2015


By Our Correspondent

BHUBANESWAR:   Through the efforts by the ED, Bhubaneswar,  the  Special Court (PMLA), District and Sessions Court Complex at Khurda, has framed charges against individuals and entities involved in the multi-state Rose Valley chit fund scam.

A Prosecution Complaint was filed in 2016 against Gautam Kundu and Shibamoy Dutta, promoters of the Rose Valley Group. On 15.01.2025, the Hon’ble Special Court framed charges against the accused paving way for restoring the attached properties to legitimate claimants, with the court’s approval.

This marks an important milestone in delivering justice and protecting the rights of defrauded investors. ED attached moveable properties worth Rs. 332 Crore (present value of more than 400 Crore, including interest) in 2014 and 2015 in this case.



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