Smt Nandini Satpathy Memorial Trust observes 145th birth anniversary of ‘The Mother’


By Our Correspondent

CUTTACK/BHUBANESWAR:  The Mother would have turned 145. To mark the occasion Smt. Nandini Satpathy Memorial Trust (SNSMT) held a prayer meet.

Born Mirra Alfassa in 1878, she was better known to her followers as The Mother or La Mère. Besides being an occultist, spiritual guru, she was a collaborator of Sri Aurobindo. The Mother had founded the Sri Aurobindo Ashram as well as had established the international village of Auroville.

Speaking on the occasion SNSMT Chairman Shri. Suparno Satpathy said “Should we strive for a better life, the teachings of The Mother need to be the  epicentre of our learning”.

Several well known and not to well known personalities from different walks of life attended this hybrid (on-line & off-line) meet to mark the day.


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