Sitesh Ranjan Das Co-operative Inspector, ARCS Phulbani in  Kandhamal convicted in Vigilance case


By Bswanath Dash

BHUBANESWAR:  On Tuesday Sitesh Ranjan Das, Ex-Co-operative Inspector, O/o ARCS, Baliguda, A/p-Co-operative Inspector, O/o ARCS, Phulbani, in  Kandhamal, who was charge sheeted by Odisha Vigilance in Berhampur Vigilance PS Case No.45 dt.09.10.2018 U/s 7 PC Amendment Act, 2018 for demanding and accepting bribe Rs.15,000/- from a complainant for renewal of allotment of 2 nos. of shops of RCMS, Raikia  in his favour, was convicted by Hon’ble Special Judge, Vigilance, Phulbani and sentenced to undergo rigorous imprisonment for a period of 3 years and fine of Rs.5,000/- and in default of payment of fine, to undergo further rigorous imprisonment for a period of 3 months more for the offence U/s 7 PC Amendment Act, 2018.

Odisha Vigilance will now move the competent authority for dismissal of Sri Sitesh Ranjan Das, Co-operative Inspector, O/o ARCS, Phulbani from service following his conviction.Detailed report follows.


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