Saheednagar PS Case No.345, Dt15.07.2024, U/S- 303(2) BNS


By Our Correspondent

BHUBANESWAR: ​Saheednagar PS Case No.345, Dt15.07.2024, U/S- 303(2) BNS.

The incident :- In last seven days two cases of car glass breaking and theft of articles had been reported in Bhubaneswar UPD and one case at Cuttack UPD. Suspecting the involvement of out State gang, Commissionerate Police, BBSR UPD, nabbed a four member out State Tirchi Gang and recovered the stolen articles. This gang belongs to notorious “ TIRCHI “ gang hails141 from Tamilnadu and operates throughout India. They are also involved in theft inside ‘MO BUS’ running in the city. The gang members were operating from BBSR-Cuttack city to Puri and are wanted for many police districts of the State.

Modus Operandi

  1. Generally these Gang members hail from Trichy District of Tamilnadu and operates in all important cities of the States of India. They are having a particular and unique mode of operation i.e. “Car Glass Breaking”
  2. The gang focuses on vehicles, particularly those parked in less secured areas and breaks open the glass by catapulting iron balls, mud pellets and commit theft of articles.
  3. They also target public Transport like buses, targeting passengers and pick pockets the belongings.
  4. They take advantage of crowded area to pickpocket.
  5. They operate in a gang, very swift and operates in a blink of eye.
  6. They dispose the stolen articles at Tamilnadu, especially at Tirchi market.
  7. During operation, they move by train and stay at railway stations.
  8. Crime is their profession and they are doing it generation to generation.

Name and Address Of Accused Persons-

(1). B.Mohit (48), S/o-Late Balasubarmani of village  Punganur PO-Ramjeenagar,PS-

Chlonnagar,Dist- Trichy.8148143382

(2). P.Morthy (42), S/o-Philomingray of village  Punganur (New street),PO-

Ramjeenagar,PS-Chlonnagar, Dist- Trichy.7418965001

(3).Nanda Kumar(47), S/o- Rukaman of 1/2,  Harpas Colony PO-Kalugadi,PS-

Chlonnagar,Dist-Trichy 9932841791

(4). S.Dinesh (47), S/o- R.Sundaram,At-New Kattor,Pungenur,PO-Kalugudi, PS-Chlonnagar,Dist-Trichy.

Seized Articles-

  1. 04 numbers of laptops.
  2. 25 numbers of mobile phones.
  3. Iron balls.
  4. Mud pellets.

C/A Of Accusedd Persons-

1.Mancheswara P.S case No-376 dtd 17.7.2024 U/S – 303(2) BNS

  1. Mancheswara P.S case No-357 dtd 10.7.2024 U/S – 324(4)/305(c) BNS
  2. Capital P.S case No-362 dtd 15.7.2024 U/S – 305(a) BNS
  3. Capital P.S case No-363 dtd 16.7.2024 U/S – 305(a) BNS

5.Saheednagar P.S case No – 345 dtd 15.7.2024 U/S-303(2) BNS

  1. Saheednagar P.S case No – 347 dtd 16.7.2024 U/S-303(2) BNS
  2. Matrivihar P.S case No – 313 dtd 16.7.2024 U/S-303(2) BNS
  3. Nayapali P.S case No- 418 dtd 16.7.2024 U/S-303 (2) BNS

9.Badambadi P.S case No-114 Dt 16.7.2024, U/S- 303(2)/324(4)/324(5) BNS.

10 Khandagiri P.S Case No 476, Dt 17.7.2024, U/S 303 (2) BNS.

Saheed Nagar – 02, Mancheswar – 02, Capital – 02, Khandagiri – 01, Maitri Vihar – 01, Nayapalli – 01, Badambadi – 01.




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