Rs 60,865 Crore transferred to Jan Dhan beneficiaries in Odisha in 6 Years, says Dharmedra Pradhan


By Our Correspondent

NEW DELHI/BHUBANESWAR: Union PNG-Steel Minister Dharmendra Pradhan was on Friday said that Jan Dhan has benefitted more than 1.5 crore poor people in Odisha covering more than 74 lakh households. “Launched in 2014, the much-appreciated and the world’s largest financial inclusion initiative, #JanDhan has provided access to financial services and channelled government benefits to more than 40 crore beneficiaries across the country as on August, 2020,” Pradhan said.

“Benefits worth ₹60,865 crore have been transferred directly to beneficiary accounts in Odisha for over 65 GOI schemes, like #PMUY, #PMAY, #PMKisan, #PMVVY. #DBT has been a win-win for both the govt. and the beneficiaries, especially in a rural economy like Odisha,” Union Minister wrote in a social media post in Facebook.

“#MudraYojna has emerged as another strategic tool for financial inclusion & strengthening micro-enterprises in the country. Opening a world of possibilities for the people and removing barriers of financing, loans under Mudra have empowered more than 41 lakh people in Odisha.

StandUP India is another enabler in the evolution of India’s financial inclusion paradigm. Promoting entrepreneurship among women, and other sections facing hurdles due to delayed credit, #StandUP has fulfilled dreams of more than 2500 entrepreneurs in Odisha since inception,” he said.

“Ensuring comprehensive financial inclusion of all households in the country by providing universal access to banking facilities, financial literacy, access to credit, insurance and social security has been central to PM Narendra Modi’s idea of a strong and self-reliant India.

Today, financial inclusion has become a reality for 1.3 billion Indians. With a universal social security system for all Indians, especially the poor and vulnerable , #ModiGovt is ensuring better quality of life for the poor and middle class of India,” he said.

“Financial inclusion is one of the key drivers that is leading India on the road to accelerated development. Under the visionary leadership of PM Narendra Modi ji,India has witnessed a paradigm shift in financial inclusion, that is making citizens financially secure and empowered.

Since being elected in 2014, Hon. PM Shri Narendra Modi’s govt. has accorded top-most priority to meaningful financial inclusion with a vision to provide banking to the unbanked, funding the unfunded and serving unserved and underserved areas,” Pradhan wrote.


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