Padma Shri Sudarsan Pattnaik Creates Sandy image of PM using 1, 213 Mud Tea Cups on Puri Beach

Wishing Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his birthday, Padma Shri Sundarsan Pattnaik created a Sand Art installation useing 1,213 Mud Tea Cups on sand with message Happy Birthday Modi Ji at Puri beach in Odisha

By Our Correspondent

PURI/BHUBANESWAR: Wishing Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his birthday, Padma Shri Sundarsan Pattnaik created a Sand Art installation useing 1,213 Mud Tea Cups on sand with message Happy Birthday Modi Ji at Puri beach  in Odisha

‘May Mahaprabhu Jagannath bless him with long and healthy life to serve mother India.I’ve created a SandArt installation used 1,213 Mud Tea Cups on sand with message #HappyBirthdayModiJi at Puri beach , Odisha,” Pattnaik said.


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