Odisha Receives Rs 23,120 Crore under DMF Till June 2023


By Our Correspondent

NEW DELHI/BHUBANESWAR: Union Minister of Coal, Mines and Parliamentary Affairs Shri Pralhad Joshi in a written reply in Rajya Sabha on Monday, said that The cumulative fund collection under District Mineral Foundation (DMF) in the State of Odisha till 30th June 2023 is Rs. 23,120 Cr. out of which Rs. 17,755.20 Cr. is received from major minerals other than Coal and Lignite, Rs. 5237.58 Cr. is received from Coal/Lignite, and Rs. 127.21 Cr. is received from minor minerals.

As per the Odisha State DMF rules, at least 60% of the funds are to be spent on high priority activities and up to 40% of the fund are to be spent on other priority activities. Details of funds so far utilized in Odisha specially Mayurbhanj under PMKKKY is enclosed as Annexure.

As per information received by the ministry, the State Government of Odisha has advised the DMFs to substantially enhance the fund allocation by creating a shelf of projects and expedite the utilization of DMF fund in the ongoing projects. Presently, the cumulative allocation under DMF is 97% of the cumulative collection of the State


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