NTPC CMHQ-Ranchi Swayamsiddha Ladies Club distributes Winter Blankets


By Our Correspondent

RANCHI/BHUBANESWAR: As part of noble initiative of Swayamsiddha Ladies Club,NTPC Coal Mining Headquarters,  Ranchi  in Jharkhand distributed winter blankets to office supporting staff i.e members of Indian Coffee House(ICH), Private Security Guards, Drivers, and House Keeping of NTPC Coal Mining Headquarters .

The distribution was conducted under the aegis of President, Namita Mishra in the august presence of  General Secretary  Lakshmi Praveena, , Joint Secretary,  Saon Gouri Dutta,Cultural Secretary ,Aparna Asthana and Game Secretary B Visalakshmi.The initiative was appreciated. The ladies club has been actively involved in providing valuable support to needy regularly through its social welfare activities.


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