Mines Secretary Reviews GSI Functioning in Kolkata



KOLKATA: Shri Vivek Bharadwaj, Secretary, Ministry of Mines made his maiden visit to Geological Survey  of India (GSI) Central Headquarter office in Kolkata today. Dr S. Raju, Director General, GSI along with other senior officers welcomed the Secretary, Ministry of Mines. In his welcome address the DG, GSI explained the major frontline activities and  achievements of GSI. Dr. Raju said that all the commitments made by GSI, in the thrust areas of baseline survey and mineral exploration related high priority areas, will be accomplished in time. To apprise the Secretary, Mines about the overall activities and achievements of GSI, a detailed presentation was made by Shri Asit Saha, DDG, PSS-P&M.

During the meeting, Shri Vivek Bharadwaj, had a very candid and open interaction with the officers of GSI. He was deeply involved in the discussion in various issues of  GSI and emphasized on the completion of flagship baseline survey works like National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM), National Geophysical Mapping (NGPM) and National Aero- geophysical Mapping Program (NAGMP) within the specified timeline. He advised the officers to look beyond border and emphasized that study groups may be formed to explore the advancements and strategic thrust areas taken up by geological surveys in other developed countries of the world. The Secretary, Mines also advised GSI to adopt the best practices available in the world and try to innovate upon that.

 Regarding the Special Campaign 2.0, the Secretary, Mines instructed everyone to take up the campaign with utmost sincerity. He also personally inspected the work being done in GSI to make the Special Campaign 2.0 a grand success. The DG, GSI apprised the Secretary that the Special Campaign 2.0 is being implemented with great gusto and being monitored  on a regular basis.

In his concluding remarks, Shri Vivek Bharadwaj, expressed his happiness to visit the GSI Central Headquarters office. He reiterated that being a 172       year old organization, GSI should put its efforts in bringing out the best performance in the domain     of geosciences and set high standards of professionalism in the field. He also committed all possible support, cooperation and help in the administrative, policy and financial matters from the  Ministry of Mines.


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