Lingaraj PS arrested Accused in Minor Girl Rape Case


By Our Correspondent

BHUBANESWAR: Ref: Shree Lingaraj PS Case No-210 Dt-21.08.2022 U/S-376(2)(i)/376 AB IPC/section 4 POCSO Act.

Gist of the FIR:Brief fact of the case is that Complainant alleged that, on dtd 20.08.2022 at 11 AM her daughter (5 Yrs old) was playing and by that time the accused person Basudev Mahapatra @ Babuna took her to his lap and entered his finger into the private part of her daughter after undressing her pant which the complainant noticed. She snatched her daughter from the lap of Basudev Mahapatra and sudden provocation slapped him. She disclosed the incident before her husband at night. One of her neighbourer and an old lady also have witnessed the occurrence.

Investigation- During course of investigation the IO has examined the Complainant, visited the spot, examined other witnesses and recorded their statement U/s-161 CrPC. The date of birth of the victim girl is 16.09.2017. During examination of the victim girl also disclosed the occurrence happened with her. The accused person has been arrested. All the witnesses have examined so far proved the occurrence and offence U/s- U/S-376(2)(i)/376 AB IPC/section 4 POCSO Act against the accused person U/S-376(2)(i)/376 AB IPC/section 4 POCSO Act.

Name & Address of Accused person:

Basudev Mahapatra (50 Yrs), S/o-Jaganath Mahapatra of Harachandi sahi, PS-Shree Lingaraj, Dist-Khordha.

Article Seized:Seized the original birth certificate in respect of victim girl issued by the Registrar (Birth and death) Community health centre, Soro, Balesore on production by informant Santilata Barik and left in zima.


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