By Our Correspondent
BHUBANESWAR: On 31 December of 2023, Sh Kailash Chandra Jat, a distinguished officer of BSF assumed command at Ftr HQ Odisha (Spl Ops), Bangalore. This marks the transition of leadership from Sh D K Sharma, who served with commendable dedication.
K C Jat, known for his innovation in training methodologies, has a rich history of commanding units in the challenging terrains of J&K during heightened militancy. His profound experience is anticipated to bring positive transformations to BSF units deployed in Odisha, particularly in Anti-Naxal Operations.
A moment of pride was witnessed as the Guard of Honour and traditional baton of command exchange ceremony marked this significant transition. Sh K C Jat’s commitment to upholding the highest standards and unwavering discipline is poised to make a lasting impact on the performance of the units under his command.