India’s coal production for June 2024 reached 84.63 MT (Provisional), with a growth rate of 14.49 Percent compared to the corresponding period in the previous year, which was 73.92 MT


By Our Correspondent

NEW DELHI/BHUBANESWAR:   India’s coal production for June 2024 reached 84.63 MT (Provisional), with a growth rate of 14.49% compared to the corresponding period in the previous year, which was 73.92 MT. During June 2024, Coal India Limited (CIL) achieved coal production of 63.10 MT (Provisional), marking a growth of 8.87% compared to the same period last year when it was 57.96 MT. Additionally, coal production by captive/others in June 2024 stood at 16.03 MT (Provisional), reflecting a growth of 55.49% from the previous year, which was 10.31 MT.

India’s coal dispatches for June 2024 reached 85.76 MT(Provisional) up by 10.15% compared to the same period last year when it was recorded at 77.86 MT. During June 2024, CIL dispatched 64.10 MT (Provisional) of coal, with a growth of 5.41% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year when it was 60.81 MT. Additionally, coal dispatch by captive/others in June was recorded at 16.26 MT (Provisional), reflecting a growth of 43.84% from the previous year, which was 11.30 MT.

Additionally, as on 30th June, 2024, the coal stock held by coal companies witnessed a notable surge, reaching 95.02 MT (Provisional). This surge reflects an impressive annual growth rate of 41.68 % underscoring the robust performance and efficiency of the coal sector. Concurrently, the coal stock at Thermal Power Plants (TPP) marked a notable increase to 46.70 MT (Provisional) on the same date, with an annual growth rate of 30.15%.



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