IDCOL Deputy Manager Gaya Santara Arrested after Vigilance detects DA over Rs.10 Crores including Rs 1.06 Crore cash, Rs 4.45 Crore deposits

IDCOL Deputy Manager Gaya Santara Arrested after Vigilance detects DA over Rs.10 Crores including Rs 1.06 Crore cash, Rs 4.45 Crore deposits

By Our Correspondent

BHUBANESWAR:  On Thursday,   Gaya Santara, Deputy Manager IDCOL has been arrested by Odisha Vigilance for possession of disproportionate assets. DA over Rs.10 Crores including Rs 1.06 Crore cash, Rs 4.45 Crore deposits,1.083 kg gold, 7.5kg silver, 2 multi-storeyed buildings in Bhubaneswar,plots in Bhubaneswar,etc have been unearthed.

On the allegation of possession of disproportionate assets by Sri Gaya Santara, Deputy Manager, IDCOL, Ampa Valli Lime Stone Mines, simultaneous house searches were conducted by Vigilance .

Raids were conducted on at 7 places in BBSR, Nayagarh, Koraput & Rayagada.


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