HER Team Apprehends Social Media Harasser in a Midnight Operation


By Our Correspondent

BHUBANESWAR:  Acting swiftly on a complaint lodged by a female doctor, the HER Team of Commissionerate Police successfully apprehended an individual involved in continuous harassment through social media. The accused, identified as Ajay Pradhan, had been using obscene language and persistently pressuring the victim to engage in a relationship with him inspite of being married.

The HER Team received the complaint, immediately launching an investigation to trace the accused. Ajay Pradhan, a resident of Jagannathpur, Keonjhar, was found to be residing with his family at Gangapada, Khordha. During a midnight operation accused was Apprehended by HER team and handed over to Infovally PS and then Cyber PS.

The Victim was satisfied with the action of HER Team and Police and lodged formal FIR at CsPUR. The Accused has been blackmailing , Stalking the Victim since long. The accused was given strict Warning and Notice as per legal proceedings.

Commissionerate Police reiterates its commitment to the safety and security of women and girls, especially in cases of online harassment. The HER Team remains vigilant in ensuring swift action in all complaints involving harassment and other crimes against women.

1: Age and profession of the accused : Bhagabat Pradhan @Ajay Pradhan (42 years)
Name: Bhagabata Pradhan
Age: 42 years
Father’s Name: Dasarathi Pradhan
Address: Jagannath Nagar, Dist./PS – Keonjhar
2: Age of the victim doctor (name not required) and whether works in a Govt. or Pvt. hospital :
42 years, Pvt. Hospital
3: How and when did they come to know each other ?
The accused, Bhagabata Pradhan, targets high-profile women and introduces himself as unmarried in 2021. He gains their trust by posing as an emotional supporter, providing his contact number under the guise of offering assistance. He falsely presents himself as an employee of the RTO office, though his actual role is that of a broker. The accused exploits the emotional vulnerabilities of his victims, using their private moments to collect sensitive photographs. He further hacks their phones and blackmails them by threatening to expose personal information and photographs, thereby extorting money from them.
4: What type of blackmailing the accused was doing ?
The complainant in this case is a female doctor, who came into contact with the accused in 2021 at the RTO office where he worked as a broker. Seeking help with some official processes, she provided her contact number to the accused. Bhagabata Pradhan, taking advantage of the situation, began making frequent calls and gradually established an emotional rapport with the doctor.
Over time, the accused manipulated the victim emotionally and sought to engage in a personal relationship with her. Once he had gained her trust, Bhagabata Pradhan began blackmailing her using personal details and private photographs obtained during the course of their interactions. His intention was to extort money from her, a method he has employed with other women as well, targeting vulnerable individuals and exploiting their emotional state for financial gain.
This pattern of behavior demonstrates a clear modus operandi (MO) wherein the accused deceives women by posing as a supportive figure, extracts personal information, and then resorts to blackmail for financial extraction. His actions constitute offenses related to blackmail, extortion, and misuse of electronic communication.
5: In video, we saw that HER team arrested him from a multi storey building….which place was that (whether college campus or hotel) :
       College Campus

Aim and objective of HER Team :

The HER Team, a significant initiative by the Commissionerate Police Bhubaneswar, is dedicated to ensuring the safety and security of women and girls in the city. The primary aim of the team is to combat and prevent instances of street harassment, eve-teasing, and stalking. By creating a safer environment, the HER Team strives to empower women, fostering a sense of security and confidence in public spaces. Their proactive approach includes regular patrols, awareness programs, and quick response to any incidents, making them a vital resource for the community.

Contact Information:

– HER Team Contact Number: 6372500400

– instagram/Facebook: @herteambhubaneswar

HER Team – Protecting Women, Upholding dignity.

We care for HER,We dare for HER




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