Dr Rajesh Gopal, Secretary General, Global Tiger Forum heads Cheetah Project Steering Committee


By Our Correspondent

NEW DELHI/BHUBANESWAR: The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) has constituted a Cheetah Project Steering Committee as per the decision taken in a meeting with Additional Chief Secretary (ACS) Govt. of Madhya Pradesh, chaired by the DG,Forest &SS, in supersession of O.M of even number dated 22nd September, 2022 on the Cheetah Task Force.

The members of the said Committee are as follows:

Dr. Rajesh Gopal, Secretary General, Global Tiger Forum, New Delhi –  Chairman

Shri RN Mehrotra, former Principal Chief Conservator of Forests & HoFF/CWLW, Rajasthan: Member

Shri PR Sinha, former Director, Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun: Member

Dr H S Negi, former APCCF Wildlife: Member NTCA

Dr P K Malik, former Faculty at WII:  Member NTCA

Shri G. S. Rawat, former Dean, Wildlife Institute of India/ Member WII Society,  Dehradun: Member

Ms Mittal Patel Social Worker, Founder Vicharta Samuday Samarthan Manch (VSSM), Ahmedabad: Member

Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife) & Chief Wildlife Warden, Madhya Pradesh – Member

Prof. Qamar Qureshi, Scientist, Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun – Member

Inspector General, NTCA, New Delhi: Member

Shri Subhoranjan Sen, APCCF- Wildlife: Member Convener

Consulting panel of international Cheetah experts (for advice as an when required):

Prof. Adrian Tordiffe, Veterinary Wildlife Specialist, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria, South Africa

Dr. Laurie Marker, CCF, Namibia

 Dr. Andrew John Fraser, Farm Olievenbosch, South Africa.

Mr. Vincent van dan Merwe: Manager, Cheetah Metapopulation Project, The Metapopulation Initiative, South Africa

The Terms of Reference of the Task Force are as follows:

To review, progress,  monitor and advice on the Cheetah introduction to the Madhya Pradesh Forest Department and NTCA .

Opening of the Cheetah habitat for eco-tourism and suggest regulations in this regard.

Suggestions on community interface and for their involvement in the project activities.

The Steering Committee shall be in-force for a period of two years and will hold at least one meeting every month, besides taking field visit as and when required.

The Committee may invite any expert for consultation, as and when required.

Panel of International Cheetah experts shall be consulted for advice or invited to India as per specific requirement.

The NTCA, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change would facilitate the working of the said committee.

The travel costs for non-official members and other incidental expenses would be borne by the NTCA as per extant rules.


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