Delhi’s Neelachala Seva Sangha Elects New Office Bearers


By Our Correspondent

NEW DELHI/BHUBANESWAR: New office Bearers of New Delhi’s premier cultural cum religious institution Sree Neelachala Seva Sangha (SNSS) have been elected recently. The Sangha has been engaged in managing the affairs of Lord Jagannath Temple in Hauzkhas of National Capital since 1967. Nine Office bearers and sixteen executive committee members have been elected for a period of three years and shall hold office till 2025.  While all the office bearers have been elected unopposed, keen contest was witnessed among candidates stood for executive members.

Ravindra Nath Pradhan got elected as Secretary of Sree Neelachala Seva Sangha for a fourth consecutive terms. Shri Pradhan has been holding this coveted position of the Temple management since 2012.  The current acting President Bighneswar Rout has been elected as President.  Three elected Vice – Presidents are Gajendra Prasad Samanta, Khirod Chandra Patra and Rama Chandra Das. Three New Joint Secretaries are Abhaya Kumar Pradhan, Ashok Kumar Pradhan and Dilip Kumar Swain. The incumbent treasurer Pankaj Mohanty got re – elected as Treasurer of the Sangha.

The Sixteen Newly elected executive committee members of SNSS are Ajay Pradhan, Abhiram Sutar, Ashok Kumar Pradhan, Sukant Kumar Sahoo, Amulya Kumar Ojha, Ranka Nidhi Sahoo, Nisidha Kumar Das, Bijay Kumar Sahoo, Kishore Chandra Samal, Jitendra Kumar Mohapatra, Sumitra Jena, Suraj Nayak, Dibakar Khuntia, Ashok Kumar Nayak, Dilip Kumar Rout and Pradeep Swain.

Leading Advocate of the Supreme Court of India and International legal Adviser of World Odisha Society Abani Kumar Sahu oversaw the smooth conduction of the poll and declared the election result.


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