Delhi BJP Launches ‘Mera Booth Corona Mukta’ Campaign , Baijayant Panda Lauds Party Workers


By Our Correspondent

BHUBANESWAR/NEW DELHI: BJP National VP In charge of Delhi and Assam, Baijayant ‘Jay’Panda has been closely monitoring the service work of Party workers in National Capital to fight back second surge of COVID-19.

“Proud to see @BJP4Delhi karyakartas reaching out to help the public combat this #Covid 2nd surge. Here are just a few examples!Do note our helpline numbers for medical consultation or to request food assistance for home-quarantined families: 73034-14917, 97172-47796, 99588-37228,” BJP National VP Baijayant Panda tweeted@PandaJay.

“Distributed N -95 Masks & also created awareness about correct way of using masks. Happy that women are bringing that change. Mask is not supposed to be below the nose or covering the dadi (Chin) , rather it should be covering both he nose and mouth. Sewa hi sangathan hai,” BJP leader Meenakashi Lekhi tweeted @M_Lekhi.


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