Crime File: Capital P.S. Case No. 95, Noted Criminal Banga Nayak arrested


By Biswanath Dash

BHUBANESWAR:  Ref: Capital P.S. Case No. 95, Dt.11/2/2023, Us.387 IPC/25/27 Arm Act.PO:At Bapuji Nagar, PS- Capital, BBSR UPD.

Gist of the FIR:

On Dt.11/2/2023 night, while the complt. and other PS staffs were performing routine patrolling and Bad Character (BC) checking around PS area, received credible information that the alleged Banga Nayak who is previously involved in several cases, has again threatened to shopkeepers at Bapuji Nagar area identifying himself as a local DON. The police team then immediately rushed to the area to hunt for the alleged person.

The team identified the alleged Bangaa Nayak, near Kedarpalli Fly over where he was standing in an isolated spot. Seeing the police party, he tried to flee from the spot pointing the gun towards police team and threatened to fire gun shots. However the team had surrounded the place from all possible escape routes and the alleged person was apprehended after a short chase and tussle by the police team. From his possession, one country made pistol with live ammunition was found. The accused person Bangaa Nayak has been arrested and is being forwarded to the court.

Name & Address of Accused person:

1.                Bangaa Nayak (29), S/o- Dhaneswar Nayak, At- Kedarpalli Basti, Nua Sahi, PS- Capital, Bhubaneswar UPD.

C/A of Accused Bangaa Nayak

1.                CapitalPS Case No.466/2020, 379 IPC

2.                Chandrasekharpur PS Case No.268/2021, 380 IPC TURNED TO U/S 380/34 IPC

3.                Capital PS Case No.440/2020, 380 IPC

4.                Capital PS Case No.369/2020, 379 IPC

5.                Capital PS Case No.118/2014, 379 IPC

6.                Capital PS Case No.147/2014, 379/34 IPC

7.                Capital PS Case No.449/2014, 294/323/506/34 IPC

8.                Capital PS Case No.46/2016, 379/34 IPC

9.                Capital PS Case No.450/2020, 380 IPC

10.              Mancheswar PS Case No.72/2016, 392 IPC

11.              Chandrasekharpur PS Case No.268/2017, 380/34 IPC

12.              Capital PS Case No.375/2013, 379 IPC

13.              Capital PS Case No.439/2013, 379/34 IPC

14.              Capital PS Case No.117/2014, 379/34 IPC

15.              Capital PS Case No.352/2014, 341/323/307/379/506/34 IPC

16.              Capital PS Case No.431/2015, 341/323/324/307/506/34 IPC/9 (B) I.E. Act/4 ES Act

17.              Capital PS CMC No-1137/20, Non Fir No. 41/20 Capital PS CMC No-352/16, Non Fir No. 03/16

Article Seized:

One Country Made Pistol with a live round ammunition


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