BJP National VP-Spokesperson Baijayant Panda holds talks with Bankers-Investors in India-Abroad


By Our Correspondent

NEW DELHI/BHUBANESWAR: With Investors worried backed by banking trouble in India and Abroad in view of the COVID-19 outbreak and subsequent lockdown put in place, BJP National VP-Spokesperson and 4th times former Parliamentarian, Baijayant ‘Jay’ Panda on Tuesday held video conference with several Investment captains and leading Bankers  of the Country and Abroad.

“Had an hour long video conference with 15 bankers & investors from India & abroadA very useful discussion on the economy with many questions & suggestions.There is much admiration for India’s handling of the #Coronavirus crisis so far & PM Narendra Modi Ji’s leadership,” the senior BJP leader twitted soon after completing the video chart.

Earlier, the Union Finance and Corporate Affairs Ministry as well as Commerce and Industries Ministry along with RBI had announced several soups for industry and investment sectors along with manufacturing sector.

In Odisha, in view of the COVID-19 outbreak and subsequent nationwide lockdown, mining operations have been badly hit. Faced with immense pressure to service existing loans and incur costs towards manpower salaries, miners owners in Odisha have asked for deferment of statutory dues like mineral royalties, District Mineral Fund (DMF), National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET), transfer charges and other levies & cess imposed by the state government till March 2021.Earlier, Union PNG-Steel Minister Dharmendra Pradhan had held a video conference with representatives of Odisha Sponge Iron Industries Manufacturing Association.


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