Angul United Central Cooperative Bank: Ex Banking Assistant convicted in Rs 1.15 Crore misappropriation case


By Biswanath Dash

BHUBANESWAR: During investigation, EOW has filed charge sheet against accused Sanjay Kumar Satapathy, Ex-Banking Assistant in EOW PS Case No.07 dt.30.04.2019 u/s 409/467/468/471/477-A/120-B IPC (GR No.145(A)/2019) before the Hon’ble Court of SDJM, Kamakshya Nagar.

It is to mention here that the above accused Sanjay Satapathy in conspiracy with three other staff of Angul United Central Cooperative Bank, Kamakshya Nagar Branch has misappropriated an amount of Rs.1,15,16,300/- during the year 2015- 16 by crediting the amount to 65 different accounts from different heads of general ledger account through 187 transactions, and subsequently withdrew the amount by using the user ID of the account holders.

 Hon’ble SDJM, Kamakshya Nagar delivered the judgement yesterday i.e on 15.02.2023 in the above noted case holding the UTP Sanjay Kumar Satapathy guilty u/s 409/467/468/471/477-A/120-B IPC and sentenced him to undergo Rigorous Imprisonment (RI) for 2 (two) years with fine of Rs.13,000/-.


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