Advance of Southwest Monsoon into some parts of Maldives, Comorin area and some parts of South Bay of Bengal, Nicobar Islands and South Andaman Sea


By Our Correspondent

BHUBANESWAR:  Advance of Southwest Monsoon into some parts of Maldives & Comorin area and some parts of South Bay of Bengal, Nicobar Islands and South Andaman Sea.

The strength of Westerly winds in the lower tropospheric levels (upto 3 km) has increased and is about 20 knots. The southwesterly winds prevail up to the height of 4.5 km above mean sea level over the region.

With increase in cloudiness, the Outgoing Longwave Radiation(OLR) over the area is <200 watts/meter2There has been widespread rainfall over Nicobar Islands during past 24 hours.

Considering all the above satisfied conditions, Southwest Monsoon has advanced into some parts of Maldives & Comorin area and some parts of South Bay of Bengal, Nicobar Islands and South Andaman Sea today, the 19th May, 2024.

The Northern Limit of Monsoon passes through  5°N/75°E, 6°N/80°E, 7°N/85°E, Nancowry and 10°N/100°E.


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