7th round Commercial Coal Mine Auction: Late dated for Submission of Bids extended till June 27


By Our Correspondent

BHUBANESWAR:   The Ministry of Coal has extended the last date for submission of bids till 27th of June, 2023 for the ongoing 7th round of Commercial Coal Mine auctions.

In view of requests received from large number of potential bidders, the Ministry has extended the last date for bid submission by 28 days and now the last date for bid submission for 7th round of auctions is 27.06.2023 which was 30.5.2023 earlier.

With a view to create additional production capacity, Coal Ministry has so far allocated/auctioned 133 mines with cumulative Peak Rated Capacity (PRC) of 540 million tonne per annum (MTPA), out of which 48 coal mines came into production having cumulative PRC of 195 MTPA. The production from captive/commercial mines has reached 16.25 MT in the ongoing financial year till 22nd May,2023 achieving significant growth of 10.2% compared to 14.75 MT produced during the same time period last year.

In order to facilitate the private players for early development of coal mines, the Ministry is providing necessary support in terms of land availability, environment/forest clearances, assistance from financial institutions, inter-agencies coordination. Ministry of Coal has targeted 162 MT production from captive/commercial mines during this financial year.


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