2-days General Body Convention of OAS Association begins


By Our Correspondent  

BHUBANESWAR:  The 2-days long General Body Convention of OAS Association on Thursday began with Chief Secretary Suresh Chandra Mahapatra inaugurating it.

The state has made heavy investment in infrastructure sectors in the last two decades and it will emerge as a developed state in the country in coming 5 to 6 years, CS Mohapatra said.

Additional Chief Secretary of Revenue & Disaster Management, Satyabrata Sahu and Principal Secretary of Finance, Vishal Kumar Dev graced the occasion and highlighted the growth of the state over the years and contribution of OAS officers in it.

General Secretary of OAS Association, Jyoti Ranjan Mishra, Vice-President Bijaya Kumar Swain also spoke on the occasion while Joint Secretary of Association, Santanu Mohanty delivered a vote of thanks.


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